
From SMC Wiki

Building Harfbuzz

You need to install ragel, autoconf, libtool and cairo-devel to build the harfbuzz library on your system. Use your operating system's package manager to install ragel, autoconf, libtool and cairo-devel.

Note: Arch Linux users can install harfbuzz via AUR from here http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=51139 and need not follow the build instructions. :

Now you need to get the code, build and install harfbuzz.

git clone http://anongit.freedesktop.org/git/harfbuzz.git
cd harfbuzz
sudo make install

This should build and install harfbuzz. The next time you want to build harfbuzz ( a newer version ) all you need to do is (in the harfbuzz directory mentioned above )

git pull
make clean
sudo make install

Testing Harfbuzz

Test data is available here : http://silpa.org.in/pub/tests/hb/ml/ml-harfbuzz-testdata.txt
A script that can be used to generate a set of test results : http://silpa.org.in/pub/tests/hb/ml/GenerateTestResults.sh
Currently we have a page that shows the test results here : http://silpa.org.in/pub/tests/hb/ml

In order to test using the script , download the script to a new directory and edit the script and make sure that the variables path_to_Raghu_TTF, path_to_Meera_TTF, path_to_Rachana_TTF in it all point to the TTF files for the respective fonts in your filesystem.

Make the script executable by running

chmod +x GenerateTestResults.sh

Now download the test data ( its a simple text file ) and save it somewhere. Invoke the script by running

./GenerateTestResults.sh path_to_test_data

This will generate an index.html file. This file is similar to the one that shows the test results at silpa.org.in.

If you can think of new words that bring out bugs, or if you notice that any test cases pass, do notify via the mailinglist.